Tuesday, November 24, 2015

நாளொரு பக்கம் 33

நாளொரு பக்கம் 33

Saturday, the 28th March 2015

“...He would do anything for you, and he could make you do anything for him...”
- Professor CNR Rao on JRD Tata
Elegantly brief, this eulogy to Jeh ( as JRD Tatq is known in inner circles) is bereft of flattery, rings true and comes from a high dignitary, not given to hyperboles. The quintessential human in Jeh could not have done more or could not have asked for less.  This is a leadership quality and is also  a good neighborly attribute. For a role model, we do not have look elsewhere.
These sterling qualities come ‘made easy’ for us, thanks to Jeh’s life, as lived in. A chat with a lonesome widow, a good turn to a disabled guy, mentoring a student from a downtrodded community, a wee bit of charity, all are possible for most of us. And, there are countless other ways of reaching out to one in distress. CNRR’s tribute to Jeh implies an aspect of good governance, exemplified by the Hawthorne Experiment, which was a way of life with the Tata School of Life.
‘Caring begets duty unbound’ is the edifice on which it is built.

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